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Things To Know Before Your Permanent Makeup Appointment

Please review carefully

✧ Client must be off Accutane or any other prescribed acne medication for a year. No exceptions!


⟡Client must NOT be pregnant or nursing


⟡Client must NOT be on blood thinning medication


⟡Client must NOT be diabetic or a high blood pressure patient


✧Client must NOT use any brow hair growth products for one month prior and one month after procedure. 


✧Client must NOT take Aspirin, Fish Oil, Niacin, Vitamin E, or Ibuprofen or any blood thinners for 72 hours prior to the procedure. Tylenol is fine. 


✧No alcohol or energizing drinks on the day before and the day of procedure in order to minimize bleeding during the procedure. 


✧No coffee at least 24 hours prior to the procedure. 


✧Any brow tinting should be done 1 week before the procedure and/or 30 days after.


✧No sun tanning 30 days before and after the procedure.


✧Eyebrow waxing should be done 72 hours before the procedure and not less than 14 days after. 


✧Client must not have any chemical peels, microdermabrasions, mesotherapy, or any other intense treatments 3-4 weeks before the procedure. 


✧It is a good idea for the client to wash hair on the day of the procedure before her appointment in order to limit the time spent in the shower as well as avoiding water near the brows especially important for the first 48 hours following the procedure. This will help avoiding steam as well. 


✧Botox should be done 1 month prior to procedure or after so that the Botox has time to settle. 



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